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General Settings: 

  • Price Units:  canadian dollar — CAD $ for daily price and hourly price only. Daily price is also used for process of Monthly rental and Yearly rental.
  • Date Format:  year-month-date ( yy-mm-dd )

Search Listings:

  • How to accurately and quickly find the listings you want? see instruction:Search

Register(Signup) and Login:

  • The website consists of one main site and several categorized independent subsites in more languages. If register on Main Site, you can login to all the subsites.
  • As a guest, you can book listings directly without registration on Service, Event and Education subsites, but you have to register for booking on Rental subsites.
  • As a vendor( owner), you need registration to publish your listings ( you also need set your  your Package on Service, Event and Education subsites). If you want to display your Phone number, Wechat or Facebook on your listing page, you should add/update it again on the independent Subsite/My Profile, otherwise guests can contact you via email only.
  • Register,  Login and Modify my password , Instruction:Signup/Loginsee Video_1

Lost Password:

  • If forget your password, you can find it back, see instruction:Lost Password

Booking and Publishing:There are 2 different booking systems in different subsites as below (1. Booking time or 2. Booking tickets)

1. Instruction 1 for rental subsites : booking how long time

  • Guests book a listing ,Instruction:Booksee Video_3
  • Vendors receive a booking and issue an invoice, Instruction:Receive a bookingsee Video_4
  • Vendors create or modify a listing, see FAQ 3 below(Security Deposit) and instruction: Create ,   Modify  ,   see videos:  Basic and Advanced
  • If a guest want to book a vendor’s more rentals or more quantities, it works as following steps: A– the guest contact the vendor then send a booking request. B– the vendor can put all the guest’s booking request(rental options, quantities and prices) in one invoice by adjusting the invoice manually ( see hint at step 6 of Receive a booking) . C– the guest receive the invoice and make one payment only.

2. Instruction 2 for Event, Leisure and Education subsites : booking how many tickets during fixed time

  • Guests don’t need register to book ,  see Booking
  • Vendors create or modify a listing, see Publish & Modify
  • Instant Payment doesn’t need Vendors’ comfirmation for booking.


1. On rentals’ Booking Form, select Start time and End time: see Hint

2. How to get your place’s Longtitude and Latitude for displaying on Map? 

  • On google map —, double click your place to get a pin, then right click the pin and click “What is here” to get its info on the bottom of the page where shows its Longtitude and Latitude. Copy them into your settting. See Hint

3. How to set “Security Deposit” for your listing? 2 options as below:

  • A. To save fees and time, if you needs higher “Security Deposit” for your rental,  you should use the option ” Guests pay the balance to the owner directly”. And you declare that you use guests’ Credit Card pre-authorization or cash as Sscurity Deposit. Therefore, you just charge the guest one time only, and save time and service fee for Security Deposit. Here download a simple Rental Agreement as reference.
  • B. For convenience to guests,  if you ( owner) need the site to collect Security Deposit online for you , you can set Security Deposit as a Price so that the site can collect and transfer it with other fees to the owner who will refund it to guests. Then the site will charge its service fee for the Security Deposit because Paypal charge that also.